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OMFIF Publish Gender Balance Index 2022

The Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) have published their Gender Balance Index 2022, which shows that the Financial Services Industry has a long way to reach gender parity.

The Index reveals that while the number of financial institutions run by women is growing, the number is troublingly low at just 14%. The Gender Balance Index (GBI) assigns a score (from 0 to 100) to individual organizations based on the number of women holding senior management or board positions at central banks, public pension funds, sovereign funds and commercial banks. A higher score means that an organization is closer to achieving gender balance. Leading the way this year is the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco with a score of 97/100. But there is still progress to make within the financial services industry.

“Let’s all act now to measure, talk about and close the gender pay gap” says Aniela Unguresan, Founder and Member of the EDGE Certified Foundation Board.

At OMFIF ‘s virtual event, “Gender Balance in the Financial Sector”, Aniela Unguresan, joined an expert panel to discuss the importance of driving gender balance in the sector and financial inclusion. Watch the full video below.