EDGE and IBD Invest are proud to announce that Banco BHD León has been certified at the EDGE Assess level.

“Our partnership with IDB Invest over the years has contributed to several companies successfully building impactful strategies to foster inclusive workplaces across Latin America,” said Aniela Unguresan, Founder of EDGE Certification.
“It is therefore with great pride that we jointly announce the certification of BHD León at the first EDGE certification level, EDGE Assess. BHD León is the first company in the Dominican Republic and the first private company in the Caribbean region to obtain EDGE Certification. We look forward to BHD Leon’s continued progress towards the second EDGE Certification level”.
Headquartered in Santo Domingo, BHD León was established in 1972 and today serves over one million customers with four thousand plus employees. Their certification was acquired with the advice of IDB Invest, in the context of a strategic alliance between the two entities to support SMEs owned and led by Dominican women.
In announcing their certification, Steven Puig, Executive President of Banco BHD León, said: “With this certification, we can continue to add value to our banking proposal, supporting women in their good business ideas, following international standards of gender equality important for the economic development of the Dominican Republic”.
BHD León is a financial entity of economic success and human success with a comprehensive approach to business and social management of the company. In its almost 50-years of history, BHD León had a track record of innovation and contributions to the development of the country’s financial system. It was the first multiple bank in the Dominican Republic with a corporate governance model recognized by international risk rating agencies, and with a history of alliances, mergers and acquisitions that have positioned it in one of the first places in the Dominican financial sector. It has a sustainability strategy that combines the social, economic and environmental vision of the company, through different focuses of action and initiatives that contribute to the 2030 agenda for the sustainable development goals. BHD León Bank is part of the Financial Center BHD León, considered the most diversified, widest and most integrated conglomerate of financial and related companies services in the Dominican Republic.
IDB Invest, a member of the IDB Group, is a multilateral development bank committed to promoting the economic development of its member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector. IDB Invest finances sustainable enterprises and projects to achieve financial results and maximize economic, social and environmental development in the region. With a portfolio of US$ 13,100 million in assets under management and 385 clients in 25 countries, IDB Invest provides innovative financial solutions and advisory services that respond to the needs of its clients in a variety of sectors.
EDGE Certification is the leading global standard and certification system for gender and intersectional equity. It measures where organizations stand in terms of representation across their pipeline, pay equity and effectiveness of policies and practices to ensure equitable career flows, as well as the inclusiveness of their culture. EDGE Certification is built around the independent third-party certification of data and information and is distinguished by its rigour and focus on impact.
EDGE Strategy offers an integrated SaaS-based DE&I solution allowing organizations to measure, accelerate and get certified for where they stand in terms of gender and intersectional equity. EDGE’s customer base consists of 200 large organizations in 44 countries across five continents, representing 29 different industries.